Kaliki Lodge

Kaliki Lodge is situated in the quiet village of Namukulu, 10 kilometres north of Alofi, and is within walking distance of beautiful Hio Beach and Limu Pools.
A comfortable, fully furnished and self-contained 3 bedroom house set in beautifully landscaped grounds, it offers a magnificent view of the ocean from the spacious veranda and cliff top.

Kaliki can accommodate up to 8 people, and is a great choice for a private, relaxing holiday.

Kaliki Lodge is situated in the quiet village of Namukulu, 10 kilometres north of Alofi, and is within walking distance of beautiful Hio Beach and Limu Pools. A comfortable, fully furnished and self-contained 3 bedroom house set in beautifully landscaped grounds, it offers a magnificent view of the ocean from the spacious veranda and cliff […]

Review Overview

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User Rating: 2.36 ( 15 votes)